About me

Your financial goals may be quite similar to mine.

I want to ensure that while I'm earning, I make provision for my retirement to give me the freedom to stop working before my state pension age, if I want to.

While I'm working I want to take advantage of any tax advantages available to me which will (hopefully) maximise the growth of my savings.

I want to make sure I financially protect my income and ensure my mortgage is fully repaid in the event of my death.

I want to ensure I have the opportunity to retire when I want to.

I don't want my son to pay any unnecessary inheritance tax in the event of my death.

All of these goals form part of my financial plan. If you've started thinking about any of these things and haven't yet spoken to an Adviser, then now's the time!

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.